The Career Development office is much more than “the place to go to find a job” when you’re ready to graduate. In fact, we’re here for you from the first day you arrive at Nelson University! Throughout your academic career the Career Development office can help you gain Clarity (learn about yourself), Confidence (develop career readiness skills) and Connections (form a professional network). Meet with a Career Counselor to:
- Gain a better understanding of your skills, interests, and personality and learn how they relate to your career possibilities
- Increase your knowledge of the job search process
- Learn how to get an internship
- Write an effective resume
- Gain greater confidence in interviewing skills
- Learn about the process of applying to graduate and/or professional school
- Learn how to write an effective personal statement.
- And more!
Appointment Options
Please note that a College Central account is required in order to register. The Career Development office offers several options for full-time, registered Nelson University students & alumni to receive individualized assistance on their career needs.
Scheduled Appointments
Topics Covered: All career topics including, but not limited to, Career Counseling, Mock Interview, Resume / Cover Letter, Job or Internship Search.
How to Schedule: Schedule an appointment through College Central (Career Center > Appointments). If you have any problems registering, please contact us and provide us with your full name and time you would like to meet.
Late Arrivals: Please arrive on time, as counselors are often scheduled for back-to-back appointments and are therefore unable to meet beyond your allotted appointment time. If you are running late, please call 972-825-4797 to inform us so the counselor knows whether or not to expect you.
Cancellations: If you are unable to make it to your scheduled appointment, please cancel or reschedule your appointment through College Central as soon as possible. This will make your appointment available for another student.