Experience Nelson University
at 1200 Sycamore
Your experience at Nelson reaches beyond academics. Build authentic relationships, experience powerful worship services, and watch or participate in exciting athletics. You will be a valued member of our Lion family – building faith and minds together.
We value chapel – joining together in praise and worship and listening to the Word. Tuesday through Friday, speakers from our campus and all around speak and share their testimony.

Nelson University offers a wide range of dorms – each with benefits depending on your personal preferences. Be close to the action or enjoy a quiet slice of life.

We value full-person support. Whether you need career advice, student counseling, healthful activities, or learning assistance, we have you covered.

We believe firmly in protecting our Christian culture on campus. The handbook gives a clear picture of our values and helps prepare us for life outside of our walls.

Whatever your interests, Nelson University has a student organization for you to broaden your knowledge base, understand other cultures, challenge yourself, expand your network of connections, develop leadership qualities, and HAVE FUN!

Campus days
Campus Days is a unique event for high school students to experience what it is like to be a Nelson University student! Guests have the opportunity to stay overnight in our dorms, attend classes, hang out at the block party, experience late-night worship, and so much more! The best part is that it is completely free! Register for Campus Days today!

of the Dorms
One day a year, the dorms compete in the Battle of the Dorms – a healthy dose of competition, bonding and appreciation for your new home. The day includes Sand Volleyball games, races, dorm spirit and food to fuel the fun. In the end, everyone leaves with a similar sense of pride. The winning dorm takes home the prized, “Battle Vac” to display in their dorm.

Each year on the lawn in front of Collins Hall, students get together for music, comedy and snacks. A make-shift stage is built. Couches and blankets adorn the grass. And students enjoy an evening under the Texas stars supporting friends.

A week full of spirit, tradition, and Nelson University lion pride. Homecoming gives students, faculty, staff and alumni, the opportunity to cheer on the home team, attend alumni awards ceremonies, tailgate, and participate in decorating the dorms. It’s a week to show off your Lion for Life mindset.

at Nelson University
Imagine a campus decorated in strands of beautiful lights. Each year in November, we get together for pictures with Santa, hot chocolate, cookies, music, ornament decorating and the traditional “lighting of the lawn.”

Year-long, students can expect to engage in Recreation Life by getting involved with leagues and tournaments. Enjoy sand volleyball, flag football, indoor soccer, basketball, ping-pong (table tennis), water polo, and indoor ultimate frisbee.

The first week of Fall and Spring semester, new students will attend New Student Orientation. It’s a way to launch your Neslon University experience. Set up your classes, connect with professors, learn about how to get involved with clubs and ministries, etc.