deans & vice presidents
Substantive Change
SACSCOC policy requires notification and/or approval of any substantive changes at Nelson University. Substantive changes would include issues such as the following (see linked policy document below for full list):
- Initiating a program with a significant percentage of new courses in its core degree requirements (including courses at a new level).
- Adding a method of delivery to an existing program.
- Closing an existing educational program or a “completion option” for a program.
- Initiating an off-campus instructional site where students can earn over 25% of any degree program.
- Closing an off-campus instructional site.
- Entering a shared-credit program with another institution.
Please fill out and submit the Nelson University Substantive Change Policy and Checklist when proposing any significant changes in programs or means of offering programs. The IE Office will review your submitted form and determine whether SACSCOC notification or approval is necessary ( [email protected] )
Nelson University Substantive Change Policy and Checklist
For information related to assessment, please refer to the sources available on the respective assessment page on this site or contact the IE office at [email protected] .
Program Closure
For program closures or site closures, please also fill out the following form to provide the added information needed for SACSCOC notification and approval. A teach-out plan may also be required based upon the current status of students.
Program Closure Form (also used for site closures
Contact the IE office for further information or guidance on these issues.
Assessment Review for Deans
In cooperation with the IE Office, Deans are responsible for reviewing and guiding the assessment activity of the programs and departments in their college. The IE Office can provide you with various reports showing the assessment activity in your college’s assessment units. Contact [email protected] to request needed reports.
The IE Office has also created the following step-by-step video tutorial showing how to run needed reports or review your college’s assessment units in the Nuventive Improve software (TracDat).
Contact Us
Dr. Jerry Roberts
[email protected]
IE Staff Directory
Director of Institutional Research
TracDat Log-in Page
Nelson University Policy on Substantive Change
Program Closure Form (also used for site closures)