Student Scholarships &
A gift to student scholarships is a gift that changes lives, and often scholarships are the financial miracles students pray for. They open up doors to spiritual and academic growth and help keep students on the path toward God’s calling on their lives.

Church Leadership Scholarships
In 1992, one in three pastors was under the age of 40. Today, that number is closer to only one in seven. Fewer young men and women are answering the call to church ministry, but Nelson University is on a mission to change that with Church Leadership Degree Scholarships. With your donation, you help the University provide a 50-100% tuition discount for students in the 15 different Church Leadership programs. This scholarship also helps address a recent government policy that prevents students majoring in ministry programs from receiving Tuition Equalization Grants, consequently forcing a reduction of $3000-$5000 a year in tuition assistance.

HANDS Scholarships
Help A Needy and Deserving Student. Sometimes our brightest students need a helping hand. Your gift ensures that students who excel here at Nelson University can continue their academic journey despite the occasional season of financial hardship that makes it hard for them to continue classes.

Student Advancement Scholarships
Each year, students who find themselves in a financial bind come to our office needing assistance with completing payments for the current academic year or starting the next one. When you give an undesignated scholarship to Nelson University, it places our office in a position to award Advancement Scholarships to such students in need.

Nelson Foundation
An undesignated gift to the Southwestern Foundation supports the University’s commitment to equip men and women to fulfill the calling God has placed on their lives. The Foundation staff and board of directors have extensive experience in managing investments and stand committed to the safe care, consistent yield, and steady growth of your contribution.

Nelson University Echo Society
Can one gift really echo for 100 years? With an endowed gift, you establish an enduring scholarship or fund that blesses Nelson University students year after year. An endowed scholarship provides the donor an opportunity to name the scholarship in memory of a loved one or heartfelt burden and help establish criteria for the scholarship recipient or use of funds.

Give to established Annual and Endowed Scholarships
Current Nelson University students apply for annual and endowed scholarships through their myNelson Student Portal. Scholarship applications open in mid-January and are due in early February. The Scholarship Committee then reviews applications and selects students based on donor-advised scholarship criteria, prioritizing on-campus students unless advised otherwise.
You can give directly to an already established annual or endowed scholarships scholarship. Navigate the list below to contribute today.