Matthew Goode teaches Worship Technologies and Audio Production & Aesthetics I and II in the College of Music & Communication Arts as well as New Testament Literature and Authentic Christianity in the College of Bible & Church Ministries. He also serves as the sound and music supervisor for all major SAGU student film projects. SAGU’s student-led films have won multiple industry and film festival awards.
Having served as a media director, a college pastor, a worship leader, a music composer, and an educator, Mr. Goode has taken his love of the church and the arts and will launch an online marketplace for church creatives in 2019.
Academic Achievements:
D.Min. (in progress), Southwestern Assemblies of God University
MFA, Academy of Art University
M.Div., Southwestern Assemblies of God University
MS, Southwestern Assemblies of God University
BA, California Baptist University
Professional Association Memberships:
Gospel Music Association
Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI)
Mr. Goode and his wife, Hilary, are licensed ministers with the Assemblies of God, and have two children: London and Cohen. They currently reside in Waxahachie.