

4 Characteristics of a Worship Leader

February 9, 2015

What is worship? Worship is not something we do – worship is who we are. The lifestyle of a worshiper should be lived every day so that Christ can be seen in all we do and say. One of the clearest instances of worship in the New Testament is seen in the story of the sinful woman who anointed the feet of Jesus while He was a dinner guest at a Pharisee’s house. The account in Luke 7:36-50 gives us the characteristics of a true worshiper.

A Worship Leader Should be a Giver

The woman came into the house with one purpose in mind – to anoint the feet of Jesus. She gave of her possessions by pouring out the expensive perfume on His feet. Once the jar was broken all of the contents had to be used. It was all or nothing – she was giving everything.

A Worship Leader Should be Broken

She gave of herself by washing His feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. Her broken and contrite heart was all that Jesus needed (Psalm 51:17). The brokenness spoke of her repentant heart.

A Worship Leader Should Illustrate Proskuneo

Proskuneo is the Greek word for worship meaning “to do reverence by kissing and bowing in adoration.” Not only did the woman wash Jesus’ feet with her tears and pour out the expensive perfume, but she bowed and kissed his feet. She had a desire to be near Jesus and was humbled in His presence.

A Worship Leader Should be Humble

The passage of Scripture says that the woman came in and stood behind Jesus. This indicates that she was not there to make a grand entrance or to draw attention to herself. She just wanted to experience His presence.


Once the perfume had been poured out the whole room was filled with the fragrance. For days after she anointed Jesus’ feet, the woman carried with her the fragrance of Christ. When we give Jesus all that we have – our possessions, our repentant heart and our humbleness – and when we wait quietly in His presence, we will go through our daily tasks carrying the fragrance of Christ.

What do you think about this? Are there other characteristics you think every worship leader shoudl have? Let us know in the comment section below.

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