

Gary McElhany, Ph.D.

Gary McElhany, Ph.D.

SAGU Professor, History & Social Studies

Schedule for an Event
Phone: (972) 825-4625


  • Ph.D., Mississippi State University
  • M.A., Mississippi State University
  • B.A., Central Bible College

About Dr. McElhany

Dr. Gary McElhany joined SAGU faculty in 1997, after over twenty years of pastoral ministry. He is an ordained Assemblies of God Minister and has served as a senior pastor, associate pastor, and minister of education.


In 2003, Dr. McElhany co-authored “For the Whole World: A History of Southwestern Assemblies of God University” and “Faith and Fire: A History of the North Texas District of the Assemblies of God, 1905-2003.” Other publications include “The Assemblies of God in Mississippi, 1900-1940,” “Assemblies of God Heritage, Winter 1993 and Spring 1994.”

Papers and Presentations include: “As Harmless as Doves: Faith Healers and the Spread of Pentecostalism in Mississippi.” Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 18, 1993, “A Christian Approach to Family Relations,” Professional Educators Seminar, Volhov, Russia, March 2000, and “Pastoral Leadership,” Latvia Bible College, Ozelnecki, Latvia, 2003.