

Chuck Wilson, Ed.D.

Chuck Wilson, Ed.D.

Instructional Specialist

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Dr. Wilson earned his Ed.D. in higher education with Nova Southeastern University. The research focus of his graduate degrees relates to the implementation of distance education in theological education. He received his master’s degree in adult education from Oregon State University and a bachelor’s degree in religious education from Vanguard University.

About Dr. Wilson

Dr. Chuck Wilson was an Assemblies of God missionary nearly thirty-one years. He served nine years in Nigeria, seven years as regional director of ICI University (now Global University), and nearly ten years with Global University in their International Office as director of Global Operations and then as vice president of Institutional Advancement.

Wilson recently served as president of the Assembly Bible College in Botswana. He is professor of education with Global University and adjunct professor at Cape Theological Seminary, Cape Town, South Africa. He is the Dean of Institutional Assessment, Dissertation Coordinator and teaching faculty for Pan Africa Theological Seminary. Dr. Wilson is also the Instructional Specialist and full-time instructor at Southwestern Assemblies of God University.