

SAGU OSL Students to be Featured in Oaks Church Live Album

Red Oak, TX

September 28, 2018 | Andrew Hurst

The Oaks Church is excited to host its first ever worship conference, “Hunger & Thirst” on October 5 and 6. The conference will also serve as a live recording of the worship team’s new album featuring songs written by SAGU Oaks School of Leadership (OSL) students.

Sophomore Karli Bouck is one of three OSL students who had a hand in songwriting for the upcoming album.

“It is really such a privilege that I get to be a part of this,” said Bouck. With numerous songs written by SAGU OSL students, Bouck says, “I think it’s a really big eye-opener for my generation and my peers – that we can make an impact now.”

Karli Bouck

The “Hunger & Thirst conference”  is focused on cultivating a culture of worship both in the church and the community. The theme for the conference is derived from a passage in the book of Matthew-“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

There are 12 songs on the album, all of which were written and will be performed by either SAGU OSL interns or SAGU alumni. The two other interns involved in songwriting for this album include Jocelyn Reyes and former intern, Rachel Atkinson.

“There are so many people behind the scenes on this project who are a part of SAGU and a part of the Oaks…it is going to be a catalyst for a lot of things,” said Karli Bouck.

Bouck wrote the song, “Blessed Be.” “The words ‘Blessed be your name God’ is something that I would sing once in a while. Through the past seasons of my life, it has been what has gotten me through everything,” she says.

Bouck will also serve as a lead vocalist in the live recording alongside Worship Pastor Clayton Brooks and Associate Worship Pastor Alex Kissinger, both of whom are SAGU alumni.

Along with the live worship album, the Oaks is excited to welcome special guest Michael Miller, Senior Pastor of the UpperRoom Dallas , as the speaker for the first night of the conference. Scott Wilson, Senior Pastor of the Oaks Church, will speak on the second night.

To learn more about the Oaks School of Leadership, click here .

Southwestern Assemblies of God University is a private, Christian university located 30 minutes south of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in Waxahachie, Texas. The university was established in 1927, and now offers more than 70 associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees on campus or online. More information is available at