

SAGU Student Missions Association Donates To Teen Challenge to Rebuild After Wildfires

Waxahachie, TX

March 28, 2018 | Mikayla Heldt

Southwestern Assemblies of God University’s (SAGU) Student Missions Association (SMA) is raising funds to go towards the Women’s Teen Challenge Center in Ventura, California .

Teen Challenge is an Assemblies of God ministry dedicated to helping people struggling to overcome substance abuse by means of renewing the spirit, body, and mind. Unfortunately, the organization’s facilities in Ventura were heavily damaged as a result of wildfires that occurred in December of last year.

“We believe in and support Teen Challenge as it is an organization that comes alongside people who are struggling with addictions, and through the love and power of Jesus, are able to help heal and restore lives,” says Elizabeth King, SMA President.

“We decided that this Center would be a great Giving project because we do not want to forget those who were affected by this horrible disaster.”

Each semester, SAGU students, faculty and staff are encouraged to contribute and give money to a specific need either internationally or somewhere within the country.

Nelson de Freitas, the Director of World Missions and the Intercultural Studies Department says, “The primary purpose of the Giving Project is to teach generosity to our campus to help them understand the importance of stewarding what God has given us to bless others.”

Last year, for the Fall 2017 semester, SMA decided to assist with the Davai Project in Russia, in which a church there was planning on building a playground for disabled children in the city. By the church constructing this playground on this specific land, it was also able to have a location sanctioned by the government to hold worship services legally.

By the end of the semester, the campus raised an incredible total of $11,473.70 for the Davai Project.

“There’s something to faith that we believe God to provide in a way that we don’t see on pen and paper how it’s going to happen, but we believe God to miraculously make it possible for us to give,” de Freitas says.

De Freitas reminds everyone on campus that we have all been blessed by God in some way, and it’s important for us to consider that when it comes to giving to this project or anything that furthers God’s kingdom.

As SMA continues to move forward in its mission, students are continually reminded of a verse which has shaped and inspired this semester’s Giving Project-Proverbs 11:24.

“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another witholds unduly, but comes to poverty.” (NIV)

Elizabeth King believes that these decisions we make now, such as giving sacrificially, will shape our futures.

“If we are generous now and learn the power of giving, we will grow into compassionate and selfless people that I know the Lord will honor and use for His kingdom,” said King.

If you would like to donate towards this semester’s Giving Project, click here .

Southwestern Assemblies of God University is a private, Christian university located 30 minutes south of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in Waxahachie, Texas. The university was established in 1927, and now offers more than 70 associate, bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees on campus or online. More information is available at