SAGU Bible & Church Ministry Majors Recognized for Outstanding Academic Performance
May 6, 2020 | Andrew Hurst
Southwestern Assemblies of God University (SAGU) Bible & Theology and Practical Theology departments awarded 10 of their students for their outstanding performance this semester and throughout their collegiate careers.
A full list of the award recipients for both departments is included below.
Bible & Theology
Briana Chambers – Excellence in Hebrew Studies, Zondervan Biblical Hebrew Award & M. Paul Brooks Award for Bible and Theology
Chanler Simar – Excellence in Greek Studies & the Zondervan Biblical Greek Award.
Alexander Goodrich – M. Paul Brooks Award for Bible and Theology
Jesse Alderete – LeRoy R. Bartel Award for Biblical Studies
Practical Theology
Sara Nelson – The Kermit Bridges Award for Outstanding Leadership
Noah Williams – Outstanding Youth and Student Ministries Award
Shaun Roberts – Outstanding Preaching Award
Amber Jackson – Outstanding Child and Family Ministries Award
Johanna Kowalski – Outstanding Child and Family Studies Award
Gregg Sweet – Outstanding Pastoral Leadership Award
Dr. Bruce Rosdahl, Chair for the Department of Bible and Theology, shared that honoring the students’ successes is a highlight for the department’s faculty. “We nominate students who demonstrate both academic excellence and Christian character,” said Dr. Rosdahl. “These students have excelled among their peers and made us all proud.”
Awards are typically given to seniors who have demonstrated excellence within their chosen field of study or specialization. Each award from both departments is unique and recipients must meet a specific criteria for each award.
“It is such an honor to receive the award for Bible and Theology. The department, the professors, and everything I’ve learned has genuinely changed my view of God and scripture. Their enthusiasm and expertise have pushed me to go deeper and deeper in studying scripture-inspired me to pursue further education in Bible and Theology.” – Alexander Goodrich, Recipient of the M. Paul Brooks Award for Bible and Theology
Because the Practical Theology department offers a comprehensive Church Leadership degree, Dr. Clancy Hayes, Chair for the Department of Practical Theology, explained that these awards provide a way to honor and recognize students who have excelled in the degree’s eight different specializations.
“The Practical Theology faculty are proud of all of our students and are pleased to have the means to recognize those students who have excelled in their chosen field,” said Dr. Hayes.
“SAGU is known throughout the Assemblies of God as a primary resource for the development of ministers and missionaries for our movement. The award recipients from this year’s class will be a great addition to the ministerial ranks of our movement and for the expansion of the kingdom of God.” – Dr. Clancy Hayes
“This award means that I have arrived at the end of my college experience for now. It means that I have pushed through, and I have excelled. It means that long hours of hard work and hard weeks do pay off in the end. It means that I kept going even when I felt like quitting. I am praising God because the end of something is always the beginning of something new. Here’s to something new!” – Sara Nelson, Kermit Bridges Award for Outstanding Leadership
“The most important thing Dr. Owensby (Youth & Student Ministries Professor) taught me without ever saying it was that I could be myself and be obedient to Christ. Now I try to show the youth that you can authentically love Jesus and authentically have fun.” – Noah Williams, Recipient of the Outstanding Youth and Student Ministries Award
“It is an absolute honor to receive this award. I am grateful for all of the faculties support. I want to extend a special thanks to Dr. Daugherty (SAGU Child & Family Ministries Program Director) for his countless resources, expertise, and encouragement that has given me confidence to pursue the calling God has placed on my life to serve children and families.” – Johanna Kowalski, Recipient of the Outstanding Child and Family Studies Award
“It is an absolute honor to receive this distinguished award. Personally, it is amazing to see how far I have come from when God first called me to ministry. I was uncomfortable to preach in front of anyone on a stage. Last semester, I had the honor of being the Campus Days Speaker and, after preaching, I felt so comfortable and prepared. This is because of the outstanding Bible and Church Ministries Department at SAGU who gave me the tools for all aspects of ministry.” – Shaun Roberts, Recipient of the Outstanding Preacher Award
While the departments institute their awards individually, they celebrate together in the achievements of their students within the College of Bible and Church Ministries.
To learn more about our Bible and Theology Department, click here .
To learn more about our Practical Theology Department, click here .
As a leading Christian university, SAGU educates and prepares individuals who want to serve Christ and others. SAGU helps students discover and develop their God-given callings in a Spirit-empowered, learning community.
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