Alumni Spotlight: Brooklyn Ruddell
Year: Graduated Fall 2023
Major: Church Leadership, specializing in Children and Family Ministries
Hometown: Kasson, MN

Q: What led you to SAGU?
I finished my associate’s in early childhood education in Rochester, MN, when God tugged on my heart that He needed me to do more than just early childhood education, He was going to use me in early childhood ministry. So that meant I needed to go to a Bible college. I decided that if I was going to move away from home, it had to be somewhere warm, so I just googled “Bible colleges in Arizona,” and SAGU came up with their satellite campus in Arizona. I loved what the website was talking about, but when I put it in the GPS, it was almost 24 hours away from home- a little too far. But then I saw that they had a TX campus, and that was actually their main campus. I set up a tour and fell in love. I had created a checklist of what I wanted in a college, and it checked those boxes. Not too big, but not too small. A nice town that was safe. High expectations for faculty and high expectations for students. I specifically wanted a school with student requirements and rules because I wanted to be around like-minded people.
Q: What were you involved in on campus?
I joined the Student Alumni Association during my first semester on campus and became a part of their leadership board very quickly. I served on the SAA leadership board for 2 years, planning events, creating promotional materials, running their social media, connecting with alumni, communicating with students, hosting events, and emceeing Q&As.
During my second year at SAGU, I also became a member of Student Congress, attending their meetings and events. I was a work-study for Dr. Odell in the Bible & Theology department for two years and a student worker for the Alumni/Advancement Offices. I was a summer RA for the summer of 2022 and also had the opportunity to speak in chapel and at commencement this fall at my graduation.
Q: What aspects of campus life did you enjoy the most?
I loved our dorm devos on Tuesday nights and getting to connect with our hall in the dorms. I enjoyed all of the event options to attend and the opportunities to connect with others.
Q: How was your experience with your major’s department?
The Bible department is amazing, and the Children’s Ministry department is even better! Dr. Daugherty has so much experience and education to really send students off a step above the rest. He is approachable and easily understandable, creating a very effective program.
Q: Did you had any professors who positively influenced you during your time here?
YES! Dr. Otwell, Dr. Daugherty, Dr. Odell, and Ms. Beverly Robinson. Dr. Otwell is the most faith-filled individual I have ever met. She is so full of the spirit, and she encourages everyone around her. God uses her in BIG ways because of her obedience and faith in Him. Dr. Daugherty has changed my whole perspective on children’s ministry and equipped me with the tools to succeed wherever I go. He connects with students in a way that supports them for life, not just for their 4 years at SAGU. Dr. Odell is an authentic man of God who teaches in a raw and honest way. His honesty has been so helpful starting out in full-time ministry. Ms. Beverly Robinson is just a beautiful human- God created such a special soul in her. She is intentional, thoughtful, and inspirational. She developed me into an effective leader with professional skills that I can carry into any position I work.
Q: What drew you to your area of study? What professional aspirations and goals do you have for the future?
Children have always been important to me and were naturally drawn to me. Growing up, I continually had a baby doll in hand and loved to play house- being the mom, of course. As I grew older, I realized that God had given me the gift of teaching, but I didn’t realize He was going to use me in vocational ministry. I earned an associate’s in early childhood but then began to feel the call to ministry and impact the early childhood education areas of children’s ministry. I love being a children’s ministry director now, but in the future, I would love to be a trainer of teachers. Using my experience and education, I would love to then run trainings for children’s ministry leaders or to consult in their specific church and help them develop their programs to be effective, fun, and Kingdom-driven.
Q: How did you feel that your time at SAGU prepared you for life after college?
How did it not? There are so many areas in which it prepared me for life after college: spiritually, physically (thank you to Dr. Otwell!), emotionally, academically, and socially. Through SAGU, God provided me with the love of my life and life-long friends and mentors who I am doing ministry with and can rely on in times of need. SAGU trained me with the necessary skills and abilities to go into a full-time ministry position and be able to thrive. SAGU provided me with much spiritual nourishment- allowing me to grow drastically in love with God more, have self-discipline in my devotional life, and helping me love others like God loves them.
Q: How has your faith impacted the way you view your education and the personal goals you set for yourself?
After attending SAGU, I feel like all Christians should attend Bible College in order to receive basic biblical foundations. There were so many things that I didn’t understand, let alone think about, before my time at SAGU. Now, I am educating others and advocating for my faith in times of debate. I couldn’t do my job without the knowledge that SAGU has provided me and the development of my own relationship with Jesus. Because of SAGU, I will have a larger kingdom impact. Because of SAGU, more children will come to know Jesus.
Q: What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?
Connect with staff and faculty. That lunch lady who will remember your name because you always ask about her day makes a difference. I have had cafeteria staff personally pray over me when they could just tell I was having a rough day. I have had 20-minute-long conversations with janitorial staff about their families and weekend plans. Those conversations matter. And connecting with your professors is vital. They are the people you will need to have once you are in the real world and need advice or suggestions on topics. They are the ones who will write your letters of recommendation, promote you for awards and opportunities, and get your name out there to jobs inquiring on new employees. Get to know your professors and the staff at our school, and pay extra attention to those who may not get any attention at all.
Brooklyn is receiving the training and support she needs to step into her God-given calling in Children’s Ministry. At SAGU, we believe that God has a specific calling for each and every one of us. Through our learning community, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and real-world experience to foster your talents and pursue your purpose, just like Brooklyn! Click here to apply today!
About SAGU:
Southwestern Assemblies of God University is a private Christian university located 30 minutes south of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex in Waxahachie, Texas. The university was established in 1927 and now offers more than 70 associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees on campus or online. More information is available at www.sagu.edu or by calling 1-888-YES-SAGU.