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Student Employment

Federal Work Study

Description: Part-time employment (5-15 hours per week) on Nelson University campus and Community Service jobs. Awards are based on need. Positions are limited and there are more eligible applicants than positions. The Financial Aid Office does not place students in jobs. Students must be interviewed and compete for positions.

Award: Based on current minimum wage. The maximum amount is generally $2,176 ($1,088 per semester).

Application/Deadline: Complete FAFSA by May 1 and submit Student Employment Application Form

Texas State Work Study

Description: Need-based, part-time employment for Texas residents

Award: Based on current minimum wage. The maximum amount is generally $2,176 ($1,088 per semester).

Application/Deadline: Complete FAFSA by May 1 and submit Student Employment Application

Nelson University Regular Student Part-time Employment

Description: Part-time employment on Nelson University campus. Not based on need.

Award: Minimum wage paid bi-weekly

Application/Deadline: Contact Career Development Office

Off-Campus Employment

Description: Part-time off-campus jobs in Waxahachie and metroplex

Award: Varies

Application/Deadline: Contact Career Development Office