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Fine Arts Scholarships (Assemblies of God)

Fine Arts Scholarship Application


First time or transfer undergraduate on-campus students enrolled full-time (12 hours per semester) who have competed in the Assemblies of God Fine Arts Program are eligible. Only National Fine Arts official “senior” categories are eligible for scholarships. Fine Arts junior categories and exhibition categories do not qualify.

Fine Arts scholarships are available to participants who achieve a Superior rating (2010 and following) or Superior with Invitation (2009 and previous) at a district competition. Scholarships are available for participants who achieve at least an Excellent rating at a national competition. Applicants competing in Fine Arts in a given year may receive one scholarship per year of participation. The highest level of achievement in a given year is used to select the scholarship amount for that year. The top four years of achievement will be used to create the total Fine Arts scholarship package.

Application Deadline

Application and verification must be submitted by July 15. (Students competing in the summer after their senior year in high school may submit documents after the National Fine Arts Convention.) Applicant criteria includes acceptance as a student at SAGU and the maintaining of satisfactory academic progress as a full-time student. Applicants must also submit a photocopy of each award certificate. If no certificate is available, the district must submit verification.

Scholarship Amounts

  • District – Superior (36-40 points): $600
  • District – Award of Merit: $850
  • National – Excellent (31-35 points): $1,000
  • National – Superior (36-40): $1,200
  • National – Top Ten: $2,000
  • National – Group Award of Merit: $4,000
  • National – Individual Award of Merit: $16,000 awarded at $4,000 per year**

**Note: The National Individual Award of Merit scholarship recipients include those who have competed in Assemblies of God National Fine Arts Official Categories only. Fine Arts Official Jr. Categories and Fine Arts Exhibition Categories do not qualify for any SAGU fine arts scholarship. National Individual Award of Merit scholarships are awarded for $16,000 ($4,000 per year), and students must live on campus in SAGU housing to be eligible for the full amount. Students living off campus would receive an $8,000 scholarship ($2,000 per year). Winners of the Wyoming District Heart of Fine Arts Award can receive a $1,000 scholarship. For more information on Fine Arts Categories, please refer to the National Fine Arts website


  • Fine Arts scholarships are limited to full-time residential, undergraduate students (dorm or commuter).
  • Recipients are limited to one Fine Arts Scholarship in a specific year of participation.
  • Recipients can receive up to four scholarships. This must be during four different years of participation. For those participating for more than four years, the four highest levels of achievement will be acknowledged.
  • In order to receive a scholarship, the award must have been earned prior to enrolling in college. Students may receive scholarships for fine arts awards earned the summer after their senior year in high school but not beyond that. SAGU does not offer scholarships for Kappa Tau awards.
  • Scholarships will be disbursed one per year beginning with the largest scholarship and will be evenly divided between fall and spring semesters.
  • Students must remain continuously enrolled to be eligible for the total amount of the scholarship.
  • Applicants must attend SAGU within two years of high school graduation.
  • Recipients may apply for other institutional scholarships and tuition grants; however, the total may not exceed the tuition for a given semester.