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Assemblies of God Ministries Scholarships

The AG Ministries Scholarship offers a scholarship to eligible students that have participated in Senior Bible Quiz, district or national AIM trips, received the AG Girls Ministries Gold Medal of Honor or Royal Rangers Gold Medal of Achievement.


AG Ministries Scholarships are only for full time on campus undergraduate students. Please see the details below for criteria on each individual scholarship category.


All eligible scholarships from the categories below will be added together to come up with one AG Ministries Scholarship total. That amount will be split and awarded over the course of 4 years. The minimum award is $500 for any given semester.

Senior Bible Quiz Scholarship

Bible Quiz Application


Full time undergraduate on campus students who have competed in the Assemblies of God Senior Bible Quiz program. Junior Bible Quiz is not eligible. Recipients are limited to one Bible Quiz Scholarship in a specific year of participation. Recipients can receive up to four scholarships. This must be during four different years of participation. For those participating for more than four years, the four highest levels of achievement will be acknowledged.

Annual Amounts: Team Competition

  • First place at district competition – $600
  • Second place at district competition – $400
  • First place at regional competition – $1,000
  • Second place at regional competition – $850
  • First place at national competition – $1,500
  • Second place at national competition – $1,300

Annual Amounts: Individual Competition

  • First – fifth place at district competition – $800
  • Sixth – tenth place at district competition – $500
  • First – fifth place at regional competition – $1,200
  • Sixth – tenth place at regional competition – $1,000
  • First – fifth at national competition – 50% off tuition for one year
  • Sixth – tenth at national competition – $1,500

National Memorization Award

Any participant who receives the National Memorization Award is also eligible for an additional $500 scholarship.

Mark McGrath AIM Participation Scholarship

Printable Application


The Mark McGrath AIM Participation Scholarship is for new full time undergraduate on campus Nelson University students that have participated in an approved District or National Ambassadors In Missions (AIM) trip. Only AIM trips taken while a student is enrolled in high school are eligible for a scholarship.


The amount depends on the type of AIM trip taken. Students can earn up to a maximum of $5,000 during their time as a Nelson University student.

  • District Led: $1,000 per trip
  • Nationally Led: $2,000 per trip


Students should complete this application and provide letter(s) of verification from the district or national office prior to their first semester of enrollment. The letter should include the dates and location of each trip.

AG Girls Ministries Scholarship


A scholarship is awarded to students that have earned the Assemblies of God Girls Ministries Gold Medal of Honor within five years prior to enrollment. Must be a first-time Nelson University student.




Students should provide proof of Gold Medal of Honor to the Financial Aid Office prior to their first semester of enrollment.

Royal Rangers Scholarship


A scholarship is awarded to students that have earned the Assemblies of God Royal Ranger Gold Medal of Achievement within five years prior to enrollment. Must be a first-time Nelson University student.




Students should provide proof of Gold Medal of Achievement to the Financial Aid Office prior to their first semester of enrollment.