

Hours of Operation

Mon-Thu: 6am – 11pm

Fri: 6am – 7pm

Sat: 10am-5pm 

Sun: 1pm-5pm 

*Hours are subject to change during holiday breaks and summer months.


Dorm StudentNo ChargeNo ChargeNo Charge
Faculty StudentNo ChargeNo ChargeNo Charge
Commuter StudentNo ChargeNo ChargeNo Charge
Faculty & Staff FamilyNo ChargeNo ChargeNo Charge
Alum Family$50$175$500
  • Family = spouse and dependents only
  • Children under the age of 17 have access to pool area, racquetball courts, gym, and indoor track only with parental supervision for the duration of their visit.
  • Membership payments will be received by the Cashiers Office, located in the Davis building.
  • Cashier’s Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:15 am – 12:00 pm and 1:15 pm – 4:30 pm.

Intramural Sports

Nelson University offers a wide variety of intramural sports, including:

  • Dodgeball
  • Sand Volleyball
  • Ping Pong
  • Indoor Soccer
  • Spike Ball
  • 3-on-3 Basketball
  • 5-on-5 Basketball
  • Pickleball
  • Indoor Volleyball
  • Cornhole
  • Flag Football

Dress Code

GWC requires modest dress at all times while in the facility. All members must enter the GWC in proper dress code.


  • All shirts must be full length and cut close under the arm; no chest or midriff should be exposed; shirts should have acceptable, appropriate logos.
  • Tights/yoga pants are permitted with a top that comes to the top of the thigh.
  • All shorts are to be mid-thigh.
  • Pajamas are not acceptable
  • No jeans are allowed on any equipment or in the pool/spa/sauna at any time
  • Must wear closed toe athletic shoes with non-marking soles at all times
  • Protective eyewear must be worn at all times while playing racquetball. If you bring your own protective eyewear it must be approved by Director.

*All attire is subject to approval by the GWC Director, GWC Staff, Dorm Pastors, RA’s, etc.


Men: Board shorts must come to mid-thigh

Women: Modest one piece swim suit or a tankini two piece swim suit

*Shirts are optional; you must not be able to see through shirt

Once you leave the pool area you must be in proper dress code before entering the gym area.

Member Policies & Club Rules

Garrison Wellness Center (GWC) designed the “Member Policies” and “Club Rules” to insure a safer and more enjoyable environment in which to exercise. Please be thoughtful and observe the Policies and Rules as you expect others to. GWC reserves the right to modify the Policies and Rules without notice at any time. It is the responsibility of each member to know and follow the most current Policies and Rules. All approved signs posted in the facility shall be considered part of the rules and regulations of GWC.

Membership ID Cards & Check In

All students of SAGU will present their student ID upon entry of GWC. This will serve as your membership ID card. Alum, Alum Family and Staff/Faculty family members will be issued a membership ID card for identification purposes. Each time you visit the facility you must check in at the front desk with your membership card. Under no circumstance is any member to allow the use of their card by any other individual. In the instance that this happens, the card will be confiscated immediately. This is cause for termination of the membership.

Guest Privileges

All guests must be 17 or older and must have a valid picture ID to present to the Front Desk staff. All guests must complete a Guest Waiver and pay the daily work out fee ($5) in order to use the facility. Guests are only allowed entry to the GWC with a member. GWC reserves the right to restrict the number of guests brought to the facility. * It is the responsibility of the member to ensure their guest is informed of policies and rules of the GWC, including dress code.

General Use of the Facilities

Any or all of the Facilities or services, including but not limited to, weight & cardio equipment, basketball, racquetball or pool area may have limited hours or may be discontinued altogether at any time and be offered on a “first come first served basis”. GWC reserves the right to charge a separate participation or reservation fee for any or all of these Facilities or services. Please note that not all facilities or services are open or available to each member during all operating hours.

Pool, Weight Room and Cardio Room Rules

GWC asks that you shower in the locker room or pool area before entering either the pool or the hot tub. There are no lifeguards on duty at any time so any usage of these will be at the risk of the member or guest. There is no diving, running or horseplay allowed inside or outside the pool or surrounding areas at any time.

Please observe all rules in regards to the weight & cardio machines and equipment. We ask that you wipe down all machines and benches after each use and re-rack all weights when you are finished with them. Please do not linger on machines and be respectful of other members that are waiting to use the machines.

**I understand that if my child is under the age of 14, he or she is not allowed in the weight or cardio rooms at any time. I also understand that if my child is under the age of 14 that I must remain with and supervise my child at all times.


GWC provides lockers in each of the locker rooms for your convenience. We suggest that you bring a lock with you in order to protect your property. GWC is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property. Please do not leave anything in the lockers overnight if you have not reserved a locker.


While in the facility, GWC does not permit and will not tolerate any inappropriate conduct. Such conduct includes, without limitation, using loud, abusive, offensive, insulting, demeaning language, profanity, lewd conduct or any conduct that harasses or is bothersome to members or employees.

Prohibited Items & Activity

No weapons, photographic or video equipment is allowed on the premises without prior written permission of GWC Management.

Food & drink: GWC reserves the right to limit the consumption of food and drink in workout areas.

Personal Training: Under no circumstances is any member to train another member for compensation. If it is determined that paid personal training has been conducted on the premises, the trainer and trainee will each lose their membership.

Outside equipment: GWC reserves the right to limit or restrict the use of outside equipment in the facility.

Violation of Rules

If any member or guest violates any of the Policies or Rules, GWC will ask that person to stop or leave. Nonconformity or repeated abuse of any of the GWC policies will result in suspension or termination of membership.