

How do I get my IEP or 504 transferred over to SAGU?

IEPs and 504s are great documents and are helpful in our review process, but SAGU requires the original diagnostic information prior to reviewing a student’s need for academic accommodations at SAGU. Please refer to the document titled “Professional Disability Documentation Requirements” and submit an Accommodations Request Packet to get the process started for requesting accommodations at SAGU.

How long does it take to process my accommodations application?

Your accommodations application will take up to one month to process once all documents are received.

What types of disability documents do I need to submit?

Please refer to the document titled “ Professional Disability Documentation Requirements.”

My private school does not provide disability testing. What should I do?

Check with your local school district. Many states provide free testing for students regardless of enrollment in the public school system. If your state does not provide this through the school system, then contact your state’s Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation services for testing options. If you live in Texas, you may visit their site here: Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services .

I am homeschooled and need disability testing. What should I do?

Check with your local school district. Many states provide free testing for students regardless of enrollment in the public school system. If your state does not provide this through the school system, then contact your state’s Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation services for testing options. If you live in Texas, you may visit their site here: Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services .

Does Nelson University provide disability testing?

No, Nelson University does not provide disability testing. Check with your public school system if you are currently in high school and need testing. If you have completed high school, you will need to acquire testing elsewhere. Contact your state’s Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation services for testing options. If you live in Texas, you may visit their site here: Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services .

Will my disability affect whether or not I get accepted to Nelson University?

Absolutely not! The admissions process and the academic accommodations process are kept completely separate from one another. In fact, we are on different sides of the campus, and our work does not intersect. No one in the Admissions Office will ask you about your disability. If you choose to disclose a disability to them, they will serve you by directing you to our Accommodations Office in the Learning Centers for information and assistance.

I am a parent.

Say no more! We’ve got you covered! Please refer to our document called “ Tips and Pointers about Accommodations in Higher Education ,” look through the information on this site, and please e-mail or call us if you have any questions. We’re here to help!