Gregory Paul Neill
Gregory Paul Neill was a gentle, kind, and loving young man who loved being with people and was loved by everyone whom he met.
As a young man he grew up on a farm and ranch, and spent his fair share of time on a tractor. Greg knew about hard work. Playing with his sister, Cindy, on the waters of the coastal bay, he knew about fishing and exploring the seaside. Tall in stature, with a quick smile, not too much for talking, but long on listening, Greg, as he was known to his family and friends, made a big impression on people with his quiet, kind, and loving nature. He loved people, loved to laugh, loved to play a game of chess, and was a good artist. He particularly liked to draw scenes of the stories he had read, one of his favorite characters being Huckleberry Finn. Greg was also an Abraham Lincoln fan and an avid coin collector.
Gregory was taught early on about the Lord and came to a relational experience at an early age. That relational experience was the governing factor of the rest of his short-lived life.
During the summer he spent many months working at Kid’s Camps with his grandfather, Rev. Jack Fellers, Director of Christian Education for the South Texas District. Greg’s kind and fun-loving ways won the hearts of children across South Texas. His heart to serve the Lord was fulfilled during those hot and crazy days at summer camps.
Greg walked softly, but his steps in this life, though limited to sixteen years impacted those around him in ways he never knew. Some of that impact was not ever known to family until he was taken. Greg’s high school principal said of him “There won’t ever be another student walk the halls of Calhoun County High School that left the impression Gregory Neill made in this high school.”
Greg’s life was “worth a thousand words.” He didn’t say much because it wasn’t necessary. His life was God’s love in action. He loved and he was loved.