Social Media Accounts
The CMHC Program maintains social media pages to provide students and alumni with some information related to program updates, information about the field at large, and job postings as companies reach out to us.
We have a Facebook and an Instagram page. Feel free to join whichever will be most impactful for you.
Professional Organizations
Students are encouraged to actively participate with the counseling profession as part of their professional identity development. Faculty regularly attend and present at professional growth conferences and students are encouraged to join in these pursuits. Scholarly research, poster and/or program presentation, and journal article creation are all aspects of professional involvement that students may engage with faculty to develop. A well developed professional identity engages the profession at large and remains up to date with the latest developments of best practices. Professional organizations keep counselors engaged, informed, and provide opportunities for advocacy for our profession.
Some examples of professional organizations include the list below. Visit each organization’s websites to view a list of membership requirements and benefits.
- American Counseling Association
- Texas Counseling Association
- The American Association of Christian Counselors
- Christian Counselors of Texas
Students are encouraged to search for additional organizations (local and national) that fit the students geographic location and areas of professional interest.
Special Insurance Requirements
Students must secure professional liability insurance to participate in practicums/internships and students must provide a copy of the certificate of insurance to the Nelson University Practicum/Internship Instructor. No student may provide counseling services with clients (individual or group), psychotherapy, psychological testing, case management services, counseling-type services, or working with clients in any capacity including observation of treatment, reviewing case records, or research in any course without having insurance. Nelson University does not apply for or purchase the required professional liability insurance on behalf of the student. Contact the Program Coordinator for Clinical Mental Health Counseling or Department Chair for additional information.
Each student must obtain this insurance at his or her own expense.
Students are to acquire a minimum of $1,000,000/$3,000,000 (per claim/annual limit) in professional liability coverage (estimated cost is $35-$45 for one year of coverage). While other insurance providers may be used, American Professional Agency, Inc., Healthcare Provider Service Organization, and CPH & Associates provide the required insurance coverage at a reasonable cost and is recommended:
- http://www.americanprofessional.com/student/index.htm
- https://www.hpso.com/selection
- https://www.cphins.com/
Comprehensive Exam and National Counselor Exam Study Prep
At Nelson University, we utilize the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE) for our program Comprehensive Exam. This should be taken no later than the student’s first semester of internship, though students can take it earlier.
A full list of the required courses that must be completed prior to taking the CPCE can be found on the CPCE Exam Sign Up Page.
The CPCE is created by an affiliate of the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) which also creates the National Counselor Exam (NCE). The NCE is used by many states as their licensure exam.
Because both of these exams are created by affiliates of NBCC with similar purposes and design, we recommend a similar set of study materials for both.
- Mastering the National Counselor Examination and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination – Published by Pearson
- The Wellspring Review
- Howard Rosenthal’s Encyclopedia of Counseling
- CPCE Study Materials
- NCE Examination Preparation
- NCE Pocket Prep