new student orientation

Step 1
Watch the CMHC New Student Orientation Video

Step 2
Review the State Counseling Licensure Requirements document to verify your state’s licensure requirements if pursuing licensure outside the State of Texas.

Step 3
Review the CMHC Grad Policy Handbook.

Step 4
Look over the MS CMHC Rotation document for our scheduled rotation of classes. In your first semester, you should enroll in COU5153 Professional Orientation, Ethical and Legal Issues (offered every fall and spring).

Step 5
Fill out the Completion Form for the CMHC New Student Orientation. Please use your @my.nelson.edu email when completing the form.

Step 6
Let the Journey Begin!
We acknowledge the great mental health needs in our society and around the world, and recognize the unique call of those who, like us, desire to dedicate their lives to the service of others. We are so glad that you have chosen Nelson to be part or your journey to becoming a counselor and look forward to our time together in this educational process.